Monday, January 6, 2020


Of course the best part of the day was when I got to talk to Stockton. Maysen called while we were talking and Stockton taught me how to merge the calls. I loved having both Maysen and Stockton on the phone for a bit. Love modern technology.

Maysen, Jorja and Preston all started school today. Maysen has a long Monday. She has two two hour classes with a fifteen minute break in between. She has more classes than that, but it is long. Luckily she seemed to like her classes. She really has liked marketing. Super cool. Jorja and Preston had a regular day. Jorja stayed after school to talk to a few teachers. The end of the quarter is next week, so yikes!

Jorja and a few friends had planned to meet up today. They were friends in 8th grade and always joked about Ninjago, for some reason. Anyway, they randomly decided to have a Ninjago reunion. A bit before this was supposed to happen, one of the boys texted Jorja that her old friend was at his house. This friend has now blocked Jorja on all social media. We think it is because of a boy. The boy whose house she was at. So... Ninjago plans were cancelled. Jorja was sad. She hates it when plans are cancelled, and she is sad that she can't even see her friend anymore. The ridiculous thing is Jorja can be super flirty, but she isn't with this boy. She has done nothing that this girl should be upset over.   Jorja is hurt that they aren't friends anymore, because of a boy. Anyway, Brenton was part of the Ninjago group. He was disappointed that plans fell through. So, Brenton and Jorja decided to go out and get yogurt. That picked up Jorja's spirits. One funny story.... I am super late on the blog again..... ugh... but at church we sit behind Brenton and his family. When we were leaving, Jorja pointed out that she and Brenton have the same hair. I kept looking at it and looking at it, and she was right. It looked exactly the same. I'm sad I didn't have them sit down and take a picture from behind. When you couldn't see what they were wearing or height. That would have been funny. Jorja got her hair lightened a few days later, so I missed my chance.
Brenton & Jorja

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