Sunday, January 5, 2020

Mud Face

I got a new class in Sunday school today. I'm with Sister Bennett again this year. We have thirteen kids. One of them is Preston! Yay! I got to teach the first lesson and I loved having Preston in there. Last year the class was mostly boys and it was a challenge. This year the class is mostly girls and it looks like it will be a lot less stressful.

Mike and I booked a hotel room for Maysen's graduation in April. We got a room at the University Inn, which is right smack dab in the middle of campus. Right next to the TSC. I think that will be fun to stay there. I'm glad we got our room so early. There weren't many rooms left. Wow!

Jorja tried the Dead Sea mud mask today. I sent these pictures to Rachel. Rachel loves that stuff!
Maysen is enjoying her new roommate Me'lani. She also is excited to give belly rubs to her dog Penny. Looking like this is going to be a great semester for her.

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