Monday, February 17, 2020

Day Off... Kind of

The kids were supposed to go to school today. The district chose this day as a make up day because of the snow day a few weeks ago. Well, Jorja had ACT camp all day. That camp was pretty expensive, so no way was she going to miss that. Preston still felt pretty sick, so we let him stay home. Mike had work off too. Jorja drove Drew, Gabby and Evan to BYU. It took them forever! There was something like 80 crashes on the freeway, just on the part they were driving. I guess there was a lot of black ice. So glad Jorja didn't crash! They left at 7:00 and didn't get there until 9:00. Their class started at 8:30. Jorja's class was playing Kahoot when she arrived. She joined the game late and ended up in second place. Nicely done Porge! They had to take a post ACT test at the end of camp. During the reading section Jorja's head started throbbing. She could barely concentrate during the science section. Her headaches haven't bothered her for a long time. It makes sense though. She was reading and concentrating a lot. Those are the two things that seem to set off her bad headaches. The kids went to In and Out and then headed home. Jorja's head was pounding, but she didn't want to let anyone know. Gabby was being the navigator. Jorja was concentrating on driving and not on where they were. They found themselves in North Salt Lake. Whoops! Overshot that by thirty minutes! Drew made fun of Gabby about that because he did the same thing when they drove up on Saturday. All of a sudden they found themselves in Payson! At least they are learning, and got home safely. Just really late. Jorja's head was pretty bad by the time she got home. I am so glad she made it home okay.

It was fun talking with Stockton today. His mission president has said really nice things to him. He even gave Stockton a blessing on Wednesday. He told Stockton that he knows he can always count on him and he holds him in the highest regard. He said a lot more, but I don't really want to go into detail about that here. Stockton is killing the mission. He is working hard and thriving. I hope he doesn't burn out. I am so proud of him.

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