Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Free Flower

Late last night Jorja's friend Drew called her to tell her her name was on the flower shop sign. Jorja was so happy she almost started crying. Hahaha. The two of them went together after school so Jorja could pick up her free flower. They let her go in the back and pick out whatever she wanted. She picked a yellow rose. She was so happy. It's the little things.
It's weird looking at Jorja being spelled like the state. It doesn't even seem like the same name to me. I am so glad we spelled her name the way we did. It fits her so much better. She was such a tiny thing when she was born. She was NOT my smallest baby. Both of my boys were smaller than her. She just didn't grow the first year. I think she weighed 16 pounds at a year. I know she was 19 pounds at 18 months. Her doctor would tell me to put butter on everything! She was such a good eater too, just nothing stuck to her. I think 'Georgia' would have drowned her. It just wouldn't feel right. The name 'Jorja' is just perfect for her. I love it.

Anyway, that was a tangent. Jorja and I went down to American Fork today to a 'Lift Our Planet' meeting. She had randomly applied for a scholarship to do a service trip to Costa Rica. She got it! She also got $1000 scholarship to go toward a service trip to Bali or Peru. It will still be expensive, but it drops the Costa Rica trip to $1500 instead of $3000. We still need to pay for airfare though. Jorja was leaning toward not going, even though she has always wanted to go to Costa Rica because of frogs. She was worried there wouldn't be any teenagers on the trip and it would just be families. Well, the second we walked in there the first person Jorja saw was Ellie from student government. Jorja whispered to me, "If Ellie goes, I'm 100% in." I love Ellie. I hope this trip works out for them. It sounds amazing.

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