Friday, February 21, 2020

F to A

Jorja was sick this morning. Ever since she had mono last year she has a hard time recovering from viruses. She sounded horrible when I tried to wake her up. I gave her medicine and let her sleep through first period, then took her to school. She was feeling much better by that time. She didn't want to miss math again. She has missed so many math classes! Her teacher told her that if she did well enough on the test she would use the same score for the quiz and then not make her turn in her homework. (Jorja hadn't done any of her math homework. She got soooo far behind!) Well, Jorja scored 100% on her test. Well done Jorja! Her math grade went from an F to an A just like that. I am thankful her teachers are willing to work with her! She has had a rough road the last few years.

Mike didn't think he would get to see Lisa, even though he was only ten minutes away from her house. Luckily he was able to skip the last meeting and hang out with her. Also lucky that Lisa was on Spring Break. She picked him up and took him to her house. He was only able to be there for about forty-five minutes, but that is better than nothing! Lisa made chocolates for Mike and he was able to take some home. They were amazing! We haven't had Lisa's chocolates in a long time! Lisa was even nice enough to take Mike to the airport. I picked him up by myself. When we got home, Preston had put himself to bed. Haha. Jorja was still at work. It is nice to have him home!

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