Saturday, February 22, 2020


Jorja worked most of the morning/afternoon. Ivan picked her up after work and they were together for SEVEN hours! I'm guessing they got a little bored. This was actually the first time they met. Ivan goes to a different highschool. Hutch gave Ivan Jorja's number and asked him to call her. Jorja has always wanted to be set up on a blind date. I know they played arcade games and made rings. Luckily Jorja got home before her curfew.

Mike took Preston to see Dr. Doolittle. They wanted me to come, but I REALLY wanted to watch the BYU/Gonzaga game. Mike let me stay home to watch it. It was AMAZING!!! BYU is ranked 23rd and Gonzaga is ranked 2nd. BYU ended up winning by 13. It was such a fun game to watch! The crowd stormed the court. My brothers and I texted throughout the game. Made it much more fun. That would have been a fun one to watch with them. What a night!

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