Sunday, February 23, 2020

Watch Party

I had a hard day today. I know it's not a big deal, but it still hurt me a lot. I had relief society today. I went like I always do and was just sitting listening to the lesson. Jorja was asked to be a class president at the beginning of January. They decided to set her apart today. Jorja texted Mike and I around 1:20 to let us know. The problem was, I never received the texts. They never came through. For some reason, about 1:50 I had the random thought that maybe Jorja was getting set apart today. Then immediately I thought, "No, I would have been told." Still, I prayed right then and there that I wouldn't be forgotten and someone would come and get me if it was today. I kept looking at the door. I texted Mike about 5 minutes later and asked if Jorja was getting set apart today. Right when I sent that next about five texts came through from Jorja and Mike talking about it. I jumped up right in the middle of the lesson and ran out of class. I ran to the young women hallway and looked in all the windows. I saw the Bishop and Seth setting apart Quinn. As soon as it was over I went in and asked if Jorja had gone yet. They said yes. I choked out, "Why didn't anyone tell me? I'm going to cry." I rushed out of there (class was over) and hurried out. I cried the rest of the day. I felt so forgotten. That might have been the last time I would get to see Jorja set apart of anything. She leaves in a year and a half. I tried to explain to Mike and Jorja why I was so sad. Why didn't they come and look for me? Mike kept saying that he thought I saw the text and I wasn't able to come for some reason. "What is more likely, the text doesn't come through in a building with a history of texts not coming through, or me seeing the text and not even responding. When have I missed anything for Jorja, ever?" The only time I miss things for her has been when I have been in New Mexico watching Mike's kids. I explained that it would have taken two minutes to check and see if I got the message. Two minutes! I just wasn't worth two minutes. I was devastated. I went down to my mom's grave and laid there for over an hour. I just cried and cried. I am tired of her being gone. She's been gone long enough. I'm sick of it. Anyway, I know that isn't a big deal to anyone but me, but it meant a lot to me and I didn't even get the opportunity to be there.

Jorja's friends came over for tacos tonight. The girls in student government. Bode and Jack also came. They were able to watch the video Mike made for Sweethearts. It was super fun. Jorja posted something on snapchat with all of them together and someone asked if Kelsey was opening her mission call. (Kelsey is a senior, but I think she is 17.) Anyway, they staged a fake missionary call opening for Kelsey. What a bunch of goofballs.

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