Monday, February 24, 2020

Bye-Bye Village Inn

I took Preston with me to parent/teacher conference. They have had student led conferences for the past several years, which I HATE. They didn't do that this time, so we went around to all of his teachers. Preston begged me not to go to his Chinese teacher, but I went anyway. The teacher was kind of a jerk to him and I felt bad. I had asked Preston if he wanted to go out to dinner afterwards, but when we finished he was so sad he just wanted to go home. I told him tacos were for dinner at home. (Leftovers from last night.) Preston is not a taco fan. I expected Preston to just want to get something simple, but then he asked if there was anywhere he could have steak. Mike and Preston went shopping on Saturday of the taco stuff. They got some steak and Mike had it out for the girls. There was plenty. Mike and I both had some, but somehow Preston missed out. He was disappointed. So, today we got to make it up to him. We went to Texas Roadhouse. It was Preston's first time there and he LOVED it. Jorja was at work and Maysen never wants to go here again. She had a bad experience once. On the way to the restaurant we passed Village Inn. It looked dark. I got out and ran up to the door. There was a sign that it is permanently closed. NOOOOO!!!! That restaurant opened when we were in highschool! So many good memories there. Although it was a lot nicer twenty-five years ago. Wish we had known it was closing so we could have gone one more time.

Maysen texted me this afternoon. She applied for a job at the Friend. Today they contacted her for an interview! She made it past the first two steps! There are about 80 people applying for this job, so it is a long shot, but wouldn't it be soooo cool??? Maysen would be amazing at that job. Anyways, this means we get to see Maysen tomorrow! She is coming down after class. She has one class on Wednesday and one class on Thursday. She was able to contact both of them and they let her turn in her stuff early and wished her luck. Next week is Spring Break for her, so she gets to start it early!!!

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