Tuesday, February 25, 2020


I went to Shannon's house today and was able to talk with her for a bit. We lost Maysen's snow boots this winter and that has been annoying. Over Christmas Shannon brought up Erica's boots. The other day Shannon called me to let me know that Maysen could keep them. I ran up to her house to pick them up. Perfect timing since Maysen will be going to the cabin this weekend. I went straight from Shannon's house to pick up Jorja from school. We had her last dermatologist appointment in Bountiful. Well, hopefully her last. On the way there she got a text saying they were having a prom meeting with Packer. Welp, can't go to that one!

I went to parent/teacher conference for Jorja. Mrs. Fergusen looked so confused when I sat at her table. When I told her I was here for Jorja Smith her eyes got so big. She said that she had no idea Jorja was in our family, and that Jorja and Maysen sure are different. Haha. Yep, they are! Jorja's teacher are great. They have been so good at working with her, especially when she misses so much school for being sick. Jorja wanted me to tell her math teacher that she's a beast at math, except I couldn't remember exactly what she said. I said, "Jorja wanted me to tell you she's something at math." Her teacher responded, "A beast? Yep, she tells me that." Hahaha

This sign was outside of the gym and made me laugh. I took a picture of it to send to Sherry. Sherry likes to post different funny signs.
Preston had baptisms for young men's tonight. He left about 5:30 and I don't think he got home until 8:30, maybe even later. I was thinking they took the kids out for pizza afterwords. Nope, it just was super crowded. Jorja had a painting night. She seemed to have fun with that.

Maysen came home tonight!Things were kind of crazy as she walked in, but it is so great to have her here! Jorja had to decide tonight whether or not to go to Costa Rica. One of her friends got the same scholarship as Jorja, but late tonight she texted Jorja and said she decided not to go. Jorja was sad and didn't know what to do. She wouldn't really talk to me about it. Maysen overheard me talking to Mike about how she needed to decide either way. If she doesn't decide, then she is deciding not to go. Which is fine, I just didn't want her to regret it and choose not to go because she was scared to go alone. Jorja didn't know one person in Taiwan and she absolutely loved it. Anyway, Maysen went downstairs and talked with Jorja. She asked her about the Costa Rica trip and Jorja told her she didn't know what to do. She has always wanted to go to Costa Rica, but she wasn't sure if she should go. Maysen said, "Then you're going to Costa Rica. You should go if you have always wanted to go." And that was that. Haha. Sometimes you just need a big sister.

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