Thursday, April 16, 2020

Friend Quiz

Today was a hard day. Last night Jorja told me she needed to finish an assignment after work. Preston has been sleeping in Maysen's bed, so Jorja went into Preston's room so she wouldn't bother him. I asked her if she would plug in her phone when she was finished. Right before I fell asleep I thought about going downstairs to make sure her phone was put up. I didn't. I figured she knew the rules by now and I trusted her. Jorja woke up before me, which never happens. She was playing with the dog. I saw she had her phone with her. I asked to see it and it was almost out of batteries. I asked her why it wasn't charged. She told me she plugged it in and wasn't sure why it didn't charge. Jorja said she was tired and went back to sleep. I looked through her phone, which is something I do at least once a day. I learned the hard way that this needed to be done. Anyway, as I was looking through her phone there were a few things that didn't add up. I had a thought to check her phone logs. I rarely do that. Nothing was there. I just knew I was missing something. I went and prayed. I was 100% convinced that she had talked to Ivan last night. I had no proof, I just knew it. This would be against two of our rules. She wasn't supposed to talk to anyone that late at night and she is never allowed to delete anything. I knew she had deleted the phone log. When Jorja woke up I asked her about it. She denied everything. I told her I knew she was talking to Ivan and that she had deleted the log. Eventually she admitted that she had. She said she fell asleep on FaceTime talking to him and he must have fallen asleep too because she woke up at 5:00 in the morning and the call was still going. She didn't want me to think she had been talking to him all night long, so she deleted the call. I was furious. Every single person in my family knows how important honesty is to me. They know this is my love language, even though it isn't an official one. They all know that when they lie to me it is like they are purposely telling me they don't respect me and that they don't care how much they are hurting me. We have had this conversation many, many times. Things did not go well this morning. Jorja was mad. I took her phone away until it was time for her PLT interviews. I told her she could contact returned missionaries and seniors, because they are sad right now. I also let her contact the new SBOs in their group chat. Everyone else she just needed to ask me first. Pretty lenient. I'm trying to figure out what is the best way to have her feel the consequences of these mistakes without messing up her mental health. Quarantine has been hard on her. Ugggg.

One of Jorja's friends made up a silly quiz. It had questions like favorite food etc. After about ten questions it would tell you which 'friend' you were. Emily, Hailey, Alison or Jorja. Jorja had us all take it and I got Jorja. This is the message that popped up. Pretty cute.

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