Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Yearbook Pictures

Jorja had PLT interviews for several hours today. Her English teacher asked them to send selfies of themselves for the yearbook. The English teacher is also in charge of the yearbook. So... this is what Jorja came up with.
 This one was my favorite
 This is the one she sent
I'm still going through pictures from our filing cabinet. Found pictures of Matt before his mission and this picture I sent to my friend Cheri. It is from Maysen and Raigan's 4th birthday party. (Their birthdays are one day apart.) This was a few weeks before me moved from Washington to Georgia. Two of Cheri's kids are in the picture. Emily and Carter.
I can't remember the names of the first two kids. Whoops.
Raigan, Maysen, Emily, Carter
 Missionary Matt
Bear gets so excited when Jorja comes home from work. Maybe it is because she smells like chicken? Jorja loves cuddling with him when she comes home.
Jorja and Bear, Preston, Maysen, Mike

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