Monday, May 25, 2020

He's Getting Transferred!

Stockton called me first thing this morning. Usually he calls in the late afternoon. I answered the phone and he said, "Mooooom! I got transferred!" He was in shock. Stockton had been in Sahuarita since October. It's crazy to think how many missionaries have left and come home since then. His mission president basically told him he would be staying, so this was such a shock. Especially because they were dropped off an extra bed for Elder Nelson because they would be a trio for awhile. Elder Nelson came on Thursday, so Stockton was with him two days before he found out he was leaving. Elder Nelson had been serving in Brazil. Stockton is headed to Casa Adobes, which is the smallest area in the mission. Now, instead of working with four wards, he will be working with half a ward. Two other Elders take care of the other half. One is named.... Elder Smith. Stockton choked up a little when he said that he wouldn't be able to see Sheila get baptized. Maybe it will be broadcast and he can watch it that way. Stockton and Elder Kelly whitewashed this area about seven months ago. They decided to make a wall and whenever someone left a cat in a hat would knock them out of the area. After three pictures with the bat, it was his turn to get sent away. 
 Kind of hard to see, but this is the cat in the hat wall
It is Memorial Day today, so Chick-Fil-A had shorter hours. Jorja worked from open to close. She was not happy about that. She was the only one to work those hours. While she was at work we spent a lot of time working in the duck pond. Mike wants to dig it to about six feet. He wants to line it with cinder block then put some rubber coating on it and install a new pump. Hopefully the rats can't chew through cinder block! It was so much fun to be out there working with everybody. Stockton called toward the end of the day and we were able to talk to him real quick again. He said it was not a prank and he really is leaving. He leaves tomorrow. I hope he likes his new companion. He has loved Elder Jenson. He just met Elder Nelson, but really liked him. I think getting along with your companion is a necessity during quarantine. Fingers crossed for a good one!
 Preston and Bear
When Jorja came home we roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. I love my family. I miss Stockton, but I'm happy that he is happy and I'm so proud of him. I have an amazing life.
Bear and Jorja

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