Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Scooter Parade

Mike and I have been wondering what to get Maysen for a college graduation present. Although we would love to get her something really cool, like a car, we can't do that right now. I talked to her last night about what she would want. We decided to get her a lot of little things. Running shoes, water bottle, fix her cracked cell phone screen... things like that. When Jorja and I were at Scheels to get Mike's water bottle, I saw one that I knew Maysen would love. At least I hope she does. Jorja and I went back to Scheels today, and it was GONE! We did find it on the hydroflask website, and it was the same price, so we have it ordered and it should get here Monday.

Jorja had her PLT closing social today. They got 'most likely' awards from last year, and the new members were welcomed. Jorja was a part of the 'White' family last year and she is this year too. This year Jorja and Luke are team captains. Jorja had a lot of fun last year and I hope she gets to experience this again. Fingers crossed corona will slow down!
New white team
Autumn's sister, Spencer's brother, Grace, Emily, Jorja, Gabby, Luke
 Perfect 'Most Likely' award for Jorja

Jorja met up with Riley for yogurt. He got back early this morning from Lake Powell. Then she headed off to camping with Hailey and Allison. They were waiting on our porch for Jorja. I went out and found them and brought them inside. They met two boys from another campsite. I don't know their names, but they were twins and a grade younger than these girls. They came over and asked if they could play cards with the girls. Jorja said it was really fun.
Hailey, Alison, Boy 1, Jorja, Boy 2
I saw a message on Jorja's phone about the young women activity. It was to come over to Sister Christensen's house to sign a poster for the graduates, then to watch the parade. I hadn't heard about the parade. I didn't worry about it because I knew Jorja wouldn't be there. I didn't realize they would have an activity this week. Anyway, I saw a lot of posts about it on Instagram. It looked so cool! All the high school graduates that live in Pepperwood were able to have a little parade. They got them all scooters and they rode down Pepperwood Drive, which is about a mile and a half I think. Anyway, it looked like the kids loved it. It was really cute to see all the graduation gowns flapping in the breeze. I took a couple of screen shots. What a fun memory for those seniors!

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