Monday, June 15, 2020

Extra Tooth

Preston had a dentist appointment today. He wasn't too happy with what he found out. He has an extra tooth that is growing above his front teeth and now needs to see an oral surgeon. Preston was really upset on the way home, so we drowned his sorrows at Waffle Love.
Jorja had student government camp today. Usually it is at Utah State with lots of other schools. Jorja went her sophomore year and loved, loved, loved it. She didn't go last year because she was in Taiwan. She was devastated when she found out she would miss it again. I'm glad they had something, but it didn't hold a candle to what they missed. Jorja finished the masks she made for the student body officers this morning. Talk about cutting it close! She made ten masks. Nine officers and Packer. She was hoping to get a picture, but that never happened. Still, she was glad she did it.
Grace, Ella, Jorja
Jorja, Ryan, Bode
We were asked to bring our blow up movie screen so the kids for the kids. Packer wanted to show Tim Timmerman. I was talking to Stockton while we were setting up. I took this picture to show him what the field house looked like. This is a new addition since Stockton has graduated. Too bad I didn't take any pictures of the movie screen or the kids watching...
We set up the screen here at first, but it did not work. There are too many skylights and it was way too light. Nothing could be seen. Packer had us bring the screen upstairs. It was a little more cramped, but at least you could now see the movie! Mike and I set it up, set an alarm to come back and went home. When we came back the movie was still going, but we could hear cheering. Glad they liked it. Glad we were able to find the movie Packer wanted to show. Mike and I came home while Jorja went and hung out with some of the people at the volleyball courts. That was good because she was a little sad after camp. Riley is there and they didn't say a word to each other. It's hard because this has been Jorja's safe place and where she feels like she belongs. She's not used to feeling awkward in student government. I'm glad she got to play volleyball after and was able to cheer up. Hopefully it will get better.

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