Sunday, June 14, 2020

Graduation Pictures

Today was our last day here. We started off with a nice breakfast and then we had the sacrament. We did the rest of church on the drive home. Jorja put make up on Maysen and then we took her out on the 4 wheeler to take some graduation pictures.
Maysen & Jorja
I think this was Maysen's favorite
I had a lot of favorites. We took a lot of pictures. We drove out to a location that Mike and Preston had found. It was on the way to Big Rock. Maysen was carrying her cap and gown. She put it on and didn't like how you could see her blue flower dress under the gown. So, Mike took off his I love robots shirt that Rachel had given him. Maysen put it on backwards. It seemed to do the trick. Haha. I had a lavender sweatshirt on over my shirt. I gave it to Mike to wear. Too bad I didn't get a picture of that!

Anyway, the ride home was uneventful, thank goodness. I drove for the first couple of hours while Mike did the rest of church with the kids. We got home with plenty of time left in the day. Jorja wanted to wash all her clothes and get ready for student government camp. That starts tomorrow. Glad everything worked out! Now here is a lot of pictures of Maysen. I love this little girl! Can't believe she is a college graduate!

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