Saturday, June 13, 2020

Sailing, Mowing and Savannah

Mike and Jorja took the sailboat out on the lake today. They spent a couple of hours but didn't take any pictures. Mike said Jorja looked so cute standing at the front of the boat with her long coverup thing billowing behind her. Glad Jorja wanted to go with Mike. They both had fun.

Mike and I spent the rest of the day working on the yard. Mostly Mike. It is not all the way done, but it looks a lot better. Mike got a mower that pulls behind the 4-wheeler. He is working on getting rid of all the sagebrush so we will have more sledding options in the winter. He started this last summer. It is hard on the mower and takes a long time, but it looks so good!
Notice the big bushy tree
I pruned as much of it as I could. We will have to chainsaw the rest.
Monster Mower
Jorja has been painting the notebook she is going to use for student government. She painted a sunrise on the front with mountains and hawks. This is the back. This was a picture of the newly elected student body officers the night they got elected. I can't believe she was able to recreate this with paint. I love it!
Dallen, Layla, Bode, Brenton, Jorja, Sadler, Marshall, Joe, Dawson
Jorja also wanted to figure out how to make masks. Markell sent me the pattern she uses for hers. We bought fabric on the way up here. Jorja made a yellow one that turned out so cute! Jorja wants to make one for all of the student body officers. We were able to get a lot of them cut out and pinned, but we want to wait to get home to sew the rest with black fabric. While we were working on the masks my cousin Savannah called. They were at the gate, but the gate was locked. They were coming to spend some time at their new cabin! All three gates were locked. Mike and I drove down and unlocked the gate for her. Then we went to her new cabin and had a quick tour. It is adorable! It was fun to see her. Too bad our time at the cabins didn't overlap much.
Savannah & Stephanie

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