Sunday, June 7, 2020


Jorja was sad today. We had a great day. We watched a Hank Smith talk for part of church. Jorja was in the audience. She was sitting next to Brynlee, who isn't her friend anymore. That made her a bit sad. Riley stopped by and dropped off some things Jorja had left in his car. He dropped them on the porch, with a note. The note made Jorja sad. Technically it was a nice note. It was telling Jorja how wonderful she is. How she has the best personality. Always made him feel important and made everything ten times better. On and on with things like that. Jorja was sad the rest of the day. Jorja went and dropped some tithing off at the bishop then she drove around for awhile. I was pretty annoyed with the note. I know how Jorja thinks. So by telling her that he loved her personality and that she made him feel important and loved, what Jorja would hear is 'you weren't pretty enough'. 

Jorja decided today to do Step to the U. She was accepted awhile ago, but didn't know if she wanted to do it once she found out it was all online. Now that she quit her job she decided to go for it. She said she knows she is going to hate it but would probably regret not doing it. It is four college classes, so that will be awesome. Plus, she won't need to take English next year. Anyway, hope it is better than she thinks.

Side note: This is what Rachel's stocking looks like today

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