Monday, June 8, 2020

Tin and Beans

Stockton is doing great! We got to talk to him today. There is a mountain on fire near him. Hope they get that taken care of and hope no one gets hurt. Today is Sam's birthday. I dropped off Kaylee's stocking today. I even got to hold her! She is all the way off of oxygen now! Woohoo!
Stephanie and Kaylee
Jorja had a mostly good day. She got up before 5 to go watch the sunrise with Hailey and Allison. She also started Step to the U. It was long. She had zoom calls from 9:00-3:30. Long day, but after she had a date with her friend Ben. Ben lives in Alta boundaries, but goes to Jordan for the Spanish Immersion program. They have been friends for years, but became close friends when they had drivers ed together. They had talked for years about having a Webkinz date. So, today was the day. Unfortunately they could not find anywhere that sold Webkinz. So they just had to play with the ones they already had.
Ben and Jorja singing Hunk of Tin ~ throwback to Drivers Ed
I asked Jorja to send me pictures of her day... she sent these videos...
Jorja showed me this cute tiktok she is making to the song Fine. Jorja is lip syncing the first line that says 'I'm going to be fine.' She is crying as she said that. That was from yesterday. Now, as she videos other lines with her friends that she has been hanging out with. She showed me how much she has and it is super cute.

Jorja got added to a group chat the day Bode and Luke found her. Jorja has wanted to be in this chat for years. She even asked if she could be in it in 8th grade but was told no. (I'm guessing the person she asked maybe didn't know how to add people. I can't imagine them not letting people in, but that was the impression Jorja got.) Then she was afraid to ask to be in it again. Anyway, she is now in it and is so happy. One of the girls, Ella, asked if anyone wanted to get Bahama Bucks with her. Jorja said yes and she was off on another adventure. It ended up being Ella, Luke and Aiden I think. They filled a piƱata with beans and destroyed it. Weirdos. Jorja loved it though.
Riley and Jorja had planned on talking today after he got off of work. They met at our church parking lot and talked for over an hour. Jorja was able to ask him about the different things she had found out about. It was good closure for her. She ended up telling Riley she didn't think she could be friends with him anymore, that it just hurt too bad. Maybe one day they can be friends again, it will never be like it was though. Jorja told him that she wished they were never more than friends. This is exactly what Jorja was worried would happen. She will be fine though. Just like her song.

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