Sunday, July 5, 2020

Accidental Art

Today was Trevor's baptism! We were able to watch it on zoom. How awesome is this??? We didn't need to travel to Virginia to be a part of his special day. I hope after the world goes back to semi normal that things like this stay. Mallory and Cassie were the witnesses. That was cool too. Anyways, glad we were able to be a part of it.

Our entire family is soooo sore. We have BAD sunburns. Except Stockton who is in Arizona and Jorja who the sun seemed to skip. Mike is getting blisters and they hurt. The next few days are not going to be fun.

Jorja has been so great about keeping up with her Step to the U assignments. She was not great at online school the end of the year, so I'm thrilled that she has pulled it together for this. She told me that she was upset and in denial about school getting shut down. Her grades were decent, but she benefited from a relaxed turn-in-late policy. (By decent I mean she got a 4.0 the fourth quarter. All As and two A-s the 3rd quarter. So, really... a lot more than decent.) Anyway, she has been a beast with her summer school classes. I'm so proud of her! She worked on her art class today. She turned in this line sidewalk chalk project. They had to draw something with lines on the sidewalk and leave lines so other people could add to it.
She also had an accidental art project. She had these pictures on her phone. Not sure what she ended up turning in. I'm guessing it was the first one though.

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