Monday, July 6, 2020

Oral Surgery

That is what Preston got to do today. He got rid of the extra tooth above his front permanent teeth, a baby tooth that didn't want to fall out and three wisdom teeth. According to Mike, this is what they did to remove the extra tooth. (He sent me this awhile ago and I did not want Preston to see it before the actual surgery!)

From Mike: He'll be fine. Just don't give him the details of what they will actually be pulling back the tissue on the palate then drilling away palatal bone to expose the tooth then take it out and stitching him back up.

So, that is what Preston had done today! Preston did great and I'm glad we got this over with. He has big stitches you can see through his front teeth. Didn't get a picture of that though. Jorja texted me and asked how Preston was doing. I snapped this picture and showed her. My little boy looks so nervous! He was brave though! He never complained one bit.
The surgery took about an hour. We weren't allowed to wait in the waiting room because of corona. This started at noon, so Mike and I went to grab lunch. We were down in Provo. Usually we go to this doctor in South Jordan, but they had to do Preston's surgery here with the fancy pediatric anesthesiologist. He was put all the way under and needed a breathing tube. Soooo glad everything went well. Anyway, Mike and I drove around and I saw this little place Jorja and I love to go to. It is called Bowl of Heaven. Mike stopped at Firehouse Subs and I walked over to the other store. There was a sign on the door saying they closed because of corona. Booooo!!!!! So, Firehouse Subs it was. The office had special surgery parking lots, so we waited there for the nurse to wave us in. I sat next to Preston on the way home. He wanted to honk his nose and honk my nose. We faceted Jorja and he tried to honk her nose through the phone. Didn't expect that! Hahaha
We got Preston home and tried to give him food like instructed. He couldn't swallow anything. Not even water. I went to the store and got his medicine. I also got ointment and bandages for Mike's leg. His blisters are really bad. He only got blisters in areas where he has no pigment. Interesting. He will have to be super careful about sunscreen in the future.
Mike's leg
Jorja hung out with her student government girls tonight. They went to some rolled ice-cream place.
Paige, Ella, Jorja
Janelle, Grace Giselle
Jorja called up Mike and asked if she could use his number for a Venmo account. It is for the student government girls and they are supposed to venmo a dollar every time they kiss someone throughout the year. At the end of the year they want to go to dinner with the money. How many people are they planning on kissing!!! Anyway, they decided to make a lemonade stand and go to the Corner Canyon parking lot. I was not happy about this. Tons of high school kids hang out at this parking lot and kiss random people. Like the Pepperwood party all year long. It's ridiculous. Jorja has never gone before, then she does this! She told me she kissed one person. I asked who. She didn't even know. I tried not being angry, but I was. She went seven months without kissing one person, then now she is going down this road? I'm worried that because she did everything right with Riley and it went so bad that she isn't going to care anymore. She asked me why she was mad. She did nothing wrong. It was the quickest kiss in history. She has the rest of her life to kiss one person, so why can't she have fun now? I told her that I understand she should be able to have fun and do crazy things like kissing booths. Except, we are in the middle of a pandemic! It's not fair, but it is reality. I have been letting her hang out with friends, but kissing a total stranger is not smart right now. She doesn't have the best immune system and Preston has just had surgery... you just can't do things like that right now.
After Corner Canyon they went to Alta and hung out on the football field. She did get home before midnight, so at least she is doing well with her curfew. That hasn't always been the case.
V neck, Jake, T hat, Giselle, Bode, Joe Cool
Janelle, Ella, Jorja, Grace
Jake, T hat, Giselle, V neck
Janelle, Ella, Jorja, Grace, Bode, Joe Cool

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