Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Almost Moved

The plan today was for me to drive Sam to Idaho after her doctor appointment. Matt was going to have the moving van all packed up. I asked Matt if he needed help. He said he had a few neighbors that were going to help him. Matt has tried to limit contact as much as possible because his kids are at super high risk for corona. Sam couldn't really do anything because she had major surgery last week. I ended up coming over a few hours after Matt thought he would be ready. They weren't even close. Moving is the worst. It always takes tons longer than you'd expect. I spent several hours with my dad and Matt in the van. I did pretty well, haha. The bishop came over and sent a message that Matt needed help. Soon there were several men and women. The women were finishing packing the house and the men were moving things. I wished I would have put my hair in a ponytail, because it was HOT in that moving van! We ended up talking Matt out of driving up to Idaho today. It would have been 1:30 in the morning when we got there, if we were lucky. I asked him how confident he felt driving the giant van in an unfamiliar area in the dark. I was relieved when they decided to go the next day. Once I dropped Sam and her kids off, I would have another hour and a half to get to the cabin.
Jorja drove Maysen, Preston and Bear to Sonic. They had a little adventure. Jorja had a date with Sadler tonight. She came home and talked to me for a long time. I was very glad I was there. She told me things that had happened to her that I wasn't aware of. I was shocked. Jorja is amazing and I am so proud of her. She has learned to stand up for herself and has become very brave. I'm glad I was able to be with her tonight.
Jorja and Sadler

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