Thursday, July 2, 2020


We made it! Mike and I met Matt and Sam about 7:00 this morning. I drove Sam and the kids. Matt drove the giant van and Mike drove a van packed with extra house stuff with Bear. We decided it would be easier not to try and caravan. Still, Sam and I pulled into the neighborhood right behind Matt. Talk about timing! I soooo regret not getting a family picture in front of their new house. I did get this one of Anne though. I hope Matt and Sam love their new life here. We are sure going to miss them!
Stockton called as we were at Matt and Sam's. We quickly said goodbye so we could talk with him. We talked on the way up to the cabin. He was so funny. He is district leader and the topic for this week's district council was his choice. He had a plan, but then got a message that President Grisel wanted it to be about social media. Stockton didn't have much time to put something together. They had been doing service that morning, so he only had time to plan it while he was in the shower. He remembered a story I had told him about the Zoramite prayer and how when my dad would teach it he would stand on the desks and say the prayer. He usually had it taped to the ceiling and was able to read it. The ceiling slanted in a way that the kids couldn't see the prayer. My brother Brett knew this and when he was in his class, Brett had gone early and taken the prayer down. When my dad stood up there it was missing and he had to wing it. He looked down and saw Brett and his friends laughing. Anyway, Stockton spent his time in the shower memorizing the prayer and had planned to start off his district meeting this way. When he got out of the shower he saw a message from President Grisel. He asked if he could come to his district council meeting today. Stockton said his mind started screaming, "ABORT! ABORT!" Hahahaha. He said the meeting went really well and President Grisel told him it was better than any district council he had attended on his mission. Stockton is REALLY good at what he does. It was cool that these kids were able to meet President Grisel. Most of the missionaries haven't even met him, and Stockton has met him twice now. President asked Stockton if he could meet with him after. They had about a ten minute one-on-one meeting. Stockton is really happy with him.
Missionaries with President Grisel
President Grisel told them how he felt inspired to pack up his house and leave over a week early. They wanted to spend some time with the grandparents in Utah. That is where they were when they heard President Browning was sick. So cool that he was able to get here early. The zoom meeting they had after he arrived he talked to them about how they are going to make mistakes while they figure out missionary work during a pandemic, but that's okay. He related it to the story of Nephi being asked to build a boat. His first question was where he needed to get the ore to make tools. President Grisel told them that they are in the finding ore stage. Everything has changed and they need to figure out a new way to do things. Stockton really liked that analogy.

Mike and I stopped for lunch at Snake River Roadhouse. This is the place we went to after our hike a few weeks ago. It is delicious and we are able to bring Bear. The rest of the day was spent at the cabin relaxing and playing games. Weird to be here without the kids.
Jorja had a busy day. She went to the zoo with Sam, hung out with Paige, went on a mini-golfing date with Spencer, then played at a blowup waterslide thing at Sadler's house. Talk about cramming as much as you can into one day!
Jorja and Sam
Jorja & Paige
Paige & Jorja
Jorja & Paige
Jorja & Spencer

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