Thursday, July 23, 2020

Maysen Got Burned

Not the hurt your feelings kind of burn, but the painful kind of burn. The day started great but didn't end well. The picture below is from the middle of the day. Mike took Preston out on the kneeboard after we ran out of stain on the cabin.
We finally started staining the cabin today. Well, we stained the shed. We wanted to practice here first. I had bought two five gallon buckets of stain, but that was not enough. We almost finished the shed, but not quite. We didn't even attempt the back though. We would have to move a lot of logs for that to happen. Jorja and Ben helped for a bit, but it was mostly Mike and I. Jorja did have online classes she had to attend.
Look what a difference the stain makes!
I got to talk to Stockton for thirty minutes today. I sent this picture to Stockton while I was talking to him. He got a great laugh out of it. It is the Niagara Falls tours from the US boat and the Canadian boat. Shows how different each country is handling corona. The US boat is running at 50% capacity. The Canadian boat has a maximum of 6 people.
Mike has loved having his boat. He loved sailing yesterday and wanted us all to be with him. He wanted to do a dinner sailing cruise with us. He brought the boat as close to shore as we could get and then had us meet him down there.
Jorja, Preston, Ben
Mike carrying Maysen
Captain Jorja
This is where Maysen and Preston were hanging out. It will become important to the story later.
Ben and Jorja
Captain Mike
Ben & Jorja
Jorja & Ben
Mike was excited to put the sails up as soon as we got out a bit. Most of us hadn't been on the boat with the sails up before. He also was excited to have dinner. He put some steaks on his grill. Maysen doesn't like meat and so he put some water on the stove in the cabin area to make spaghetti for Maysen. He left the pot for the water to get hot and came up to the wheel. Things were pretty normal and calm when out of nowhere the wind picked up to 15 mph. Our sail was completely up and not angled perfectly. It caught the wind and lurched sideways. I heard laptops fall and Maysen scream. It was pretty scary. Mike was frantically trying to get the boat okay, which he did. He jumped down to the cabin and came right up and told me Maysen was burned. What? I hurried down there. The pot of spaghetti water had been thrown at Maysen when the boat lurched. She wasn't even aware the spaghetti was on the stove and was hit with a painful surprise. I tried calling Brooke and Jackie but couldn't reach them. Maysen asked me to call Julie Valentine. Jorja called Brenton, but both of his parents were hiking. I had Jorja call Becky Bingham. She is the young woman's president. Her husband Isaac is an ER doctor. Luckily he was there. I sent him pictures and he walked me through what to do. Which was basically give her 600 mg Advil and 1000 mg Tylenol. He said to put a wet coldish towel on it and not to wrap it or put ointment on it for a few hours. Whoops. Our first aid kid on the boat had some burn ointment. Maysen kept saying, "It feels like I'm still burning!" Isaac said that the burn ointment will keep the heat in. Sorry about that Maysen.
This is where Ben, Jorja and Bear were sitting when everything happened. Maysen and Preston were at the table.
Jorja and Bear
Maysen's burns
Mike got us back to shore and Jorja drove us to the cabin. Ben and Bear stayed on the boat with Mike. They sailed the boat to the dock in the crazy wind and lightning. I'm glad Ben was there to help Mike get the boat out of the water. The sad thing was if Maysen hadn't gotten burned, Mike would have loved this adventure. Brooke called me and was able to explain what Isaac had told me. When Maysen got situated all she wanted was Preston to come and keep her company. He brought his laptop and they watched some show together. He sat next to her for hours.
Preston and Maysen
Maysen's burns a few hours later
Mike and Ben were able to get back safely. Mike feels just awful. I'm glad the medicine has kicked in, but Maysen is still in a lot of pain. I feel so bad for her.

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