Friday, July 24, 2020

Painting the Cabin

The original plan was for Mike and I to drive down to Idaho Falls when Bear woke up. We needed to get more stain. Well, with Maysen's injuries I didn't want to leave her. So Mike and Bear drove to Idaho Falls early this morning. Maysen was up pretty early so I'm glad I was here to get her medicine and help her get situated. When Mike came back we started painting the cabin. We got two sides done. I'm so glad we got the sprayer because this is taking forever. I can't imagine painting this with rollers!
Not creepy at all!
Jorja and Ben went up to Jackson Hole today. They just looked around the souvineer shops and got ice-cream. Short and simple, but they had a great time. Maysen reviewed Jorja's essay while she was gone. Maysen said she did a great job and was very impressed. Yay! Jorja loved hearing that.
Jorja and Ben
Ben and Jorja

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