Sunday, August 30, 2020

Back to Church

We were able to go to church today for the first time since March. It was weird with social distancing and masks. Sacrament bread in little cups with the boys holding two trays so we could throw away the cups in a completely different tray. It was so nice to be back though. Church was only sacrament meeting and it was only 45 minutes, still it was wonderful. Mike, Preston and I went early so we could help sanitize the building. We also helped sanitize it after. There were two different meetings with our ward. We went to the first one. Mike and I were planning on coming back to sanitize the building after the last one as well, but were told we didn't need to come. We get to go to church once in the month of September and October as well. At least it is something!

Bishop Waddoups asked how Stockton was doing. Mike told him about the plates of Elder Smith. He sent him two screen shots as an example. Bishop Waddoups loved it. He says he can tell Stockton has immersed himself in the scriptures, he has the cadence down perfectly. Haha

Jorja is planning on doing a collage for every week of her senior year. Her friend, Seurette did this last year and Jorja loved the idea. Here is her first collage of her senior year.
Giselle painted this on Jorja's car
Brenton and Jake are in our ward and they are both in student government with Jorja. In the student government group chat Jake asked Jorja to come to the church. Brenton was there too. She brought Bear and they hung out for a long time. Too long for my liking. We don't get to see Jorja much, so I was a bit annoyed she left for so long on our family day. I didn't mind for a bit, but look how bright the sky is in the first pictures and how dark it is on the last. I am glad she has such good friends in our ward. Jorja has been the only girl her grade that comes to church for the last few years. I'm glad she is such good friends with the boys.
Jake & Jorja
Bear & Brenton
Brenton & Bear
Jake & Jorja

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