Monday, August 31, 2020

Giselle and Officer Ballard

Lunch: Jorja, Giselle, Sophie, Ella

Jorja went to Swig with Giselle after school. Dessa asked Jorja if she would want to go to Swig after school, but she already made plans with Giselle. Jorja invited her along, instead Dessa wanted to go tomorrow. That ended up being a super good thing for Jorja. Late, late, late today Dessa found out she was exposed to someone who had corona. Dessa was in Lake Powell last week and someone on that trip tested positive. Dessa skipped school on Tuesday and was tested. Wednesday she found out she was positive. Thankful Jorja wasn't closer than six feet to her for more than fifteen minutes or she would have to be quarantined now. Anyway, Jorja went to Swig with Giselle after school. They had stayed late helping Packer. Seniors in student government have their own parking spot in the faculty parking lot. Giselle is a senator, so she parks back there. When Jorja and Giselle were leaving she accidentally backed into one of the school counselor's car. The school officer was there and saw the entire thing. Neither car had a mark, but Giselle was freaked out. Although they got some fun pictures out of it.
Giselle & Officer Ballard
Ellie and Grace had a combined birthday party today. They rented out Classic skating. Jorja went with Bode and Ella, but I don't have pictures of that. I only have a picture with her and Riley. Grrrrrr. I do not like that she is hanging around with him again. Riley is nice, but I do not like him with Jorja. I don't want her to get attached to him again. I am not a fan.
Riley & Jorja
Dessa was at this party. It was before she found out she had been exposed to corona. Jorja spent most of the time skating. Dessa spent most of the time talking with people on the benches. That worked out well for Jorja. We are so lucky she was in a move around mood that night.

In other news.... Preston made crepes tonight and they were delicious. We were able to talk to Stockton. We talked for three hours. I loved it. I am so thankful I can hear his voice often during his mission. I did not expect that when he left. It has made the biggest difference.

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