Sunday, September 27, 2020

Bridger Lake to Parrydise

Maysen and I went to church today. Things are so weird right now! The Chalk's spoke, and it was really good. I went and talked to them after. They just moved here from Texas and have a girl Jorja's age! Too bad they didn't move in years ago! Jorja really likes her. Hopefully they become great friends.

I was soooo frustrated with Jorja today. Turns out she gave Riley her snapchat password so he could post things while she was out of service. I do not like her giving out her password. It is a bad idea. On Friday he posted something like I have control over Jorja's account this weekend while she is out of service... something like that. Then last night he posted a video of him in a hotel room in Vegas. I know he didn't think about this, but when he posts it from JORJA'S account, it looks like she is in the hotel room with him! Does he really think that everyone will remember or even saw that he would be posting for her? Total lapse in judgement. What was even worse was he had a conversation with Aiden from Jorja's account. I do not for one second think that Aiden thought he was talking to Jorja, still... it was from her account! It started off innocent enough, but then Aiden joked about coming down to Vegas and Riley said, "I'll sleep with you if you do" FROM JORJA'S ACCOUNT! I was livid. So, so, so, so mad. I know they thought it was funny, but he has no right to post things like that from her account. If she does something that idiotic, that should be her choice. Aiden could have taken a screenshot and messed with her reputation. It was ridiculous. Total lapse in judgement from both Riley and Jorja. I'm trying so hard to like Riley, this definitely didn't help. I changed Jorja's password and sent her a text letting her know I did. When she got back into service, the first thing she asked for was her password. I told her I wanted to talk to her first. It was hard because they kept cutting in and out of service.

They seemed to have a fun time though. They drove to the cabin today. Preston made fish with Mike for his weekly dinner. I'm so glad they had a great time. I'm glad Jorja and Preston were able to spend time together without technology getting in the way.


Preston & Jorja
Preston's dinner
Jorja's weekly adventures

Maysen and I had a relaxing day together. We started watching Avitar: The Last Airbender. That has been pretty fun to watch with her. It has been so nice to have Maysen to myself. We don't get that very often.

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