Monday, September 28, 2020


The most amazing, unbelievable, exciting thing happened today! Stockton called and told me he was being transferred to Sierra Vista. I told him that is where Nikki lives. Nikki is my college roommate and I love her so much! Maysen and I visited her in Alaska, but they have now moved to Arizona. Wouldn't that be cool if Stockton ran into her? I sent Nikki a message while I was talking to Stockton. Thirty minutes later she wrote back and said what ward she is in. Stockton wasn't sure what ward he was being transferred to, but he knew who he was replacing. I told her he was replacing Elder Otuafi and Elder Jensen. Guess what! THAT IS NIKKI'S WARD!!! I couldn't believe it! I was still on the phone with Stockton when I noticed Nikki had replied. All I read was "That's us!!!" before I started screaming and running around the room. Hahaha. I was so excited. Stockton was laughing and Maysen was looking at me like I was crazy. Stockton said he was so glad he was on the phone and could hear my reaction. Out of every place Stockton could have gone to in the entire world, he is being sent to Nikki's ward. So, so, so, so cool.

I was on a high the rest of the day. Maysen and I spent the day gathering more supplies for the pantry and watching Avatar. We also went to lunch at Schmidt's Pastry Cottage. I took a picture to troll Mike. He loves the eclairs there. So does Preston. Then we went to Home Goods or something like that. I have loved having one-on-one time with Maysen.
The reason Mike went to the cabin after Bridger Lake instead of coming home was because of today. The Internet guy came and put in different internet. We are now paying less money then we were before for coverage that is about as good as what we have at our house. So excited about this! Especially if Preston stays online all year. What a fun place to do school from! The weird thing was he placed the Internet box at the top of the stairs. Mike is going to buy a longer cord and try to move it someplace less conspicuous.
Jorja had a hard day. She was told that Packer is cancelling all the activities for the rest of the year. No after school activities at all. They will just have to watch leadership lectures in class. It is really stressing her out because she is in charge of the Make-A-Wish fundraiser. The three main events they use to earn money have all been cancelled. The school dance. The Choir Performance. I think Battle of the Bands was the last one. I can't remember. She was also frustrated from other student government things. Mike took her to Taco Bus to make her feel better. They finally made it, even though it was super slow.
Jorja did get a picture of Kate today, so she loved that. She is hoping she can do a good enough job that they can do a cool backyard makeover for her. Fingers crossed!

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