Wednesday, September 9, 2020

School Representative

Jorja and Sadler were called out of student government and asked to see Principal McGill. Jorja said they calmly walked out of class, but when they turned the corner both of them freaked out. They were wondering if they were getting in trouble. They were not. Mr. McGill asked them to the be two representatives from Alta that meet with district heads. Jorja was pretty excited. Especially since Mr. McGill chose her and not Packer. It made her happy that he has noticed how hard she works and would want her to represent the school.

Jack came over today and hung out with Preston. He had to leave early to go to Young Mens though. That worked out okay. Riley came over so we could talk to him. I did not want to have that conversation when Jack was here. Preston does things once a week with one friend, I don't want anything to ruin that. Mike and I had told Jorja that we didn't want her hanging out one on one with Riley. We didn't want her hanging out with him at all until we could talk with him. We had some real concerns. Jorja didn't go with her friends after school to celebrate Giselle's birthday because Riley was going to be there. I appreciated that. Giselle is one of her best friends at the moment. Anyway, Riley came over and we talked with him for about an hour. We were very blunt, but not mean. Jorja was super embarrassed and kept covering her face with her sweatshirt. Riley was a trooper for going through that. It meant a lot to Jorja. I am still not a fan and I really hope they don't start dating, but it was good of him to support Jorja like that.

There was a Chick-Fil-A party tonight and Riley had invited Jorja. She really wanted to go to see her old friends and she wanted to talk with Troy. He owns both the Draper and the South Towne Chick-Fil-As. She is hoping he will be willing to help with the fundraiser and she wanted to talk with him in person before she messaged him out of the blue. We let her go so she could do that, but made her drive separately from Riley. While she was there she got a strange phone call from someone she barely knows. He was asking her weird questions and then told her he was transferring to Alta because Ivan and his friends were being mean to him. Jorja talked to me about that when she got home. She said the entire phone call was strange. He asked if he could come painting on Thursday, which is Jorja's girls night, and he asked to be added to her group chat. Jorja was so confused. How did he know about that stuff. She told him that she couldn't add anyone because there were no more spots and painting is just with the girls. Anyway, Jorja found out the reason he called the next day, and it was not a good one.

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