Thursday, September 10, 2020


Jorja asked me to buy a pack of skittles for her statistics class. She asked if I could get a few for her friends. Mike and I bought five packages of skittles last night. Jorja left them home. Whoops. I ended up separating the skittles into colors and taking pictures of them so Jorja and her friends could do their project. On the bright side... now we have skittles.

Packer talked to the kids that went to 'senior sunrise' on Tuesday. He told them they could choose between not going to the official senior sunrise or not doing homecoming stuff. Jorja chose not doing the official senior sunrise. She is getting a lot of hate right now, it has not been fun.
I took my dad to Leatherbys for his birthday. 77 years old today. While I was there I started to get a lot of text messages from Jorja. "Mom I'm struggling" "Alyx told me that at work yesterday all everyone did was talk bad about me" "And that it was mostly (one of Jorja's super good friends)" "And that everything Hunter told me was just to try and get me to say something bad about them" -- the boy that randomly called Jorja yesterday. I guess it was all lies he told her and he was trying to trap her into saying something she would regret. Jorja has never said anything bad about this person. She was devastated. She was crying in the seminary bathroom. I told her I would check her out of school and she could just go home. She sent me many messages while I was with my dad. One message was "how was lunch" I didn't reply and she sent a message a minute later that said "Also I'm assuming you're just not replying because you're with grandpa right? I didn't do anything?" "Sorry I'm just really anxious after everything" Hahaha Yep Porge. You are fine. I was just driving... Anyway, Jorja texted the girls about what happened. One girl was nice about it, but the other two were pretty mean. They had some valid points, but the way they went about everything was just wrong. Also, they are only looking at one side of the situation. Jorja has been hurt several times by different things that I'm sure they aren't aware of. The biggest hurt was when they didn't want to be in Jorja's group for the Halloween dance when it was on her birthday. That really hurt her and kind of showed her that they didn't really like her that much. Jorja has always wanted to be in a boy/girl friend group. She is in one now, but last year at least two of these girls were in a boy/girl friend group and Jorja wasn't invited. It really hurt her. So there have been several things that have happened over the past year to make these girls not as close. One thing that has never happened is Jorja has never talked bad about them or tried to put them in embarrassing situations. Anyway, today was a rough day for her.
Jake randomly gave Jorja this car
Jorja had girls night tonight. The plan was to do a painting night. Only Giselle and Ella came. They left our house pretty quickly when they found out that Ella was asked to homecoming. She was asked by Jordyrobs.
Ella, Giselle, Jorja

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