Friday, October 9, 2020

Balloon Car

I was pretty frustrated with Jorja today. She had asked if she could go to breakfast with Riley. I am not a Riley fan, and she missed curfew last night. She did keep me posted and when I wouldn't let her stay out extra late she hurried home as fast as she could. The kids don't have school today and the plan was for her to study the ACT all day. I thought that her having breakfast with Riley would get her up early so she could start studying in the morning. Riley picked her up at 8:00. She didn't get home until ALMOST 11:00! Three freaking hours. She told me she would just go to breakfast and back and then start studying. I was furious. Jorja studying most of the day and then went to get hot chocolate with Ella and Giselle. That was the plan from a few days ago. While she was out she asked if she could ask Jake. She said it would be fast, so I told her okay. She texted me that message at 7:30. She FINALLY asked him at 9:00. She had worked on the poster yesterday, so I believed her when she said it would be fast. I admit, it looks cute, but she has the ACT tomorrow! Then she came home and had to do government homework that she had put off doing. Something like a giant assignment and four quizzes. WHAT? So, when I ask her if she has done all her work, she says yes because it isn't due until a long time from now. That is not what I meant and she knows it! So, instead of getting a good nights sleep before the ACT she stayed up until 11:30 working on her government. I think I'm going to lose my mind.

Jorja & Giselle
This did turn out adorable
Jorja & Jake

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