Thursday, October 8, 2020

Preston's Pie

Last night I made Jorja put everything she needed for school in her backpack. Today, I asked her again if she had everything. I told her I didn't want her to call me and I have to run to the school and bring her what she forgot. Welp... of course she forgot something. Today is Gabby's birthday and she was supposed to bring a KitKat for her. She told me if I didn't want to do it she could ask her teacher if she could leave math early. Why would I want her to leave math? Still, kind of annoyed that she forgets things so often. This is why she should write things down! I couldn't find the spare key to Jorja's car, so I just put the candy bar on her tire and sent her a picture.

Preston had dinner today. He asked if he could make an apple pie from the apples on our tree. I picked up pizza and Preston and Mike made pie together. It was super delicious.
Preston and Bear
Stockton's friend Ryuhei received his mission call. I sent these pictures to Stockton. I thought he would be interested.
Jorja asked if she could go and ask Jake to the Halloween dance tonight. She texted me around 8:30 to say that they just got the stuff at the store. They are going to go kill someone in assassin and then ask the boys. An hour and a half later, they are still trying to kill the person in assassin! Jorja called to tell me that she was going to be late because their car was blocking off Kenzie and Kenzie refused to get out of her car so she was stuck. I was annoyed. I told her that was fine, but she wouldn't be able to go to breakfast tomorrow like she planned if she was too late. Jorja found someone to take her to her car she left at Walmart and then made it back home. She will have to ask Jake tomorrow. I'm glad she has friends, but I get annoyed with how much time she spends out and about. She needs to remember to do her homework, her family and most importantly, she needs to get sleep! I think that is the biggest thing that will help her eyes. This time last year we were worried she would be going blind. I don't want to press our luck!

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