Thursday, November 12, 2020

Eclair Rankings

Jorja and I had fun dealing with no water. We managed though. Jorja was at school a lot today. Not for her actual classes, but to work on the fundraiser. She spent a lot of time filming the video introducing the fundraiser. They borrowed a prince costume and had Zach dress up as a prince looking for princess Kate. Kate's mom sent a video of Kate in a Cinderella costume. She was in a toy house and her mom called for princess Kate. Kate came out and in the cutest, sweetest voice ever said, "I'm right here!" It was adorable! Jorja has done such a fantastic job on this. I'm so proud of her!

Prince Zach
After they finished filming the video, student government put up flyers around about the fundraiser. It took a long time because only about six people showed up. They don't usually do this, but it is hard to figure out how to get the word out during this socially distant time. While Jorja was doing that, I hurried to Smiths, Kneaders and Schmidts and bought eclairs. I numbered them and dropped them off to Bubs at Hunter and to my dad for a taste test. They all picked mine as the best. Woohoo! I'm the winner! Hahaha
I got to talk with Stockton today. He hung out with his mission president yesterday. The president came to his district council and then worked with Stockton and Elder Radley the rest of the day. The mission president loves Stockton. Stockton had a great time.

I let Jorja go to Julia's wedding. Julia sent out a thing saying that the governor's mandate didn't cover weddings and she had a list of all the things they were doing to be safe. Julia was Jorja's favorite manager at Chick-Fil-A. Jorja went with Riley. It was at Larkin and Jorja said it was beautiful. I don't doubt that, it is so pretty there!

Jorja & Riley
Riley & Jorja

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