Friday, November 13, 2020

Girls in Parrydise

Jorja and I left for Idaho this morning. We brought with her two of her friends. I know there is the statewide mandate, but we are going to Idaho and that is out of state. Loophole? Yes, but this year has been hard! Jorja and her friends agreed not to post anything because people can be very mean if you are not perfect. Although Giselle told Luke she was going and he ratted them out to their entire group chat. I have gotten very behind on my blog, but now, two weeks later I know that none of these girls got corona, so we're good. I'm frustrated with myself for getting so behind. This year has been crazy and I wish I would have been able to write while things were fresh in my mind. Especially with corona and the elections. Jorja has been through a lot and it has been hard. There are people who are angry and take it out on student government or the cheerleaders. Jorja has had many mean messages sent to her. If anyone in student government steps out of line, the entire student government gets blamed. This has been a hard year. Anyway, this weekend was great! Giselle came to our house and we picked up Ella. The freshman elections were today, so Ella was on a zoom chat with Packer and the senior/freshman class officers right up until we picked her up. Hailey's brother Caleb is going to be a senator, so that is awesome! On the way up to Idaho, Ella casually mentioned something about sterling scholar. I had been talking to Jorja about getting her application in. I asked Jorja if she had done it. She said no, but she would look at it when we were at the cabin. Ella said that applications were due at 3:00. Yikes! Glad she mentioned that! Jorja worked on her application on the way up to Idaho and was able to make it just before the deadline. I accidentally took a wrong turn going to the cabin! I couldn't believe it! I missed the turn off to Idaho Falls and was heading to Boise. I have no idea how long I was on the wrong road. I saw signs for Snowden or something like that and wondered what in the world that was. I hadn't been using my gps, because I know how to get there and didn't want my battery to run out. So, I turned it on. It told me to get off at the next exit. Then drive 12 minutes through these back roads. I thought after that it would get me on the freeway. Nope. I ended up driving almost an hour through back roads. It was ridiculous! I don't know why it didn't have me get on the freeway. Had I really driven that far before I noticed my mistake? Anyway, we made it safe and sound. So glad to get here. It is beautiful up here!

Bear and Mud
Ella, Giselle, Jorja

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