Monday, April 18, 2011


What a LONG day! Maysen and Stockton had their CRT tests. They started at 9 and ended at 4. Jorja, Preston and I went and met them for lunch. They were in pretty good spirits and said the tests had been easy so far. When I went to pick them up at 4 it was a different story. Stockton looked beat! He was quite upset and extremely exhausted. He said, "The math test would never end." I finally realized that along with the CRTs, they were given the Scantron tests for math and reading. These tests go until you get too many wrong and then they stop. Stockton kept going. He has to finish tomorrow. One question was, "If you were making an ID card that had ten numbers and each one could only be used once, how many possible combinations are there?" Stockton figured out that he basically had to go 10 x 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1. Mike said, "You figured out factorials?" Then he told him that they are usually written with an exclamation mark. Stockton said, "That's why there were random exclamation marks all over the place."

On the way home, we grabbed a cheese pizza at Little Caesars (Stockton & Maysen's favorite). We had Stockton eat in the car and went straight to diving. He was so tired! His coach finally got out the mat he likes to slide on and just let him play.

I am so proud of him and how hard he has worked. He is going to sleep well tonight! Maysen, I'm super proud of you too! (Maysen's tests went on forever as well, especially Language Arts....)


Christen said...

AND you went to a stranger's house to pick something up for your sister-in-law just because you're awesome like that. Thanks again!

Stephanie said...

I am awesome, I'll have to agree.