Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sin Offering

Stockton's funny. Mike said that at scout camp, as they were eating breakfast, Stockton was standing by the fire tossing in paper plates saying, "The Lord said unto Moses 'Thou shalt offer thy sacrifices before the tabernacle of the congregation. It is a sin offering - a sweet savor unto the Lord.'" He was cracking himself up. I wish I could have been there.....except it was snowing, I'm glad I stayed in a toasty warm house.

Tonight Stockton was doing front flips off the bouncy ball onto the beanbag. Jorja wanted to try too. Stockton said, "Okay, as soon as you sign the medical waver." I laughed so hard!

Right now I am reading 11 Birthdays to Stockton. He thinks it is pretty funny. Maysen and Jorja listened in tonight. They have both read the book. It was really fun to have them all cuddled around me while we read. I have a pretty great life.

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