Saturday, January 23, 2016


Mike and I were trying to organize some of our old photographs.  We have a long ways to go!  I found this beauty that I totally forgot about. Mike reminded me we had it hanging up in our hallway in Georgia for a long time.  These two were best friends for about a year and a half. This picture was taken right before Cameron moved back to Washington.
Cameron & Maysen
Stockton had a high school dive competition today at BYU  This car had a crazy paint job.  It looked like it changed colors as your drove past. Too bad it was in an accident.
Stockton took third place at the meet.  He did great.  He landed all of his dives and they looked really well.  After the meet we took Stockton to Pizza Pie Cafe.  It is similar to Stevie B's, but not quite as delicious. Stockton was very patient with us as Mike stopped at Home Depot and then I ran into Harmon's on the way home.  It took a lot longer than we thought.

Jorja is giving a talk in church tomorrow.  It is her first one.  She is very nervous.  She hung out in my room and we talked for several hours about it.  We spent a lot of time on  She was in tears and I asked her if she would like a blessing.  She did.  Mike gave Jorja a sweet blessing which seemed to calm her nerves.

I did say that Jorja and I talked for several hours.  It wasn't all sweet and anxiety.  Jorja took my phone and enjoyed taking lovely selfies of herself.  I will now enjoy posting several of them.  I won't post all because for some reason she took a billion!  (That might be a slight exaggeration.)
 Jorja's selfies
She also changed Mike's profile picture to a "lovely" selfie of her.  I made her change it back, but his original picture was Bowser from a picture on my old phone.  She went through and found different picture for me.  This is a lot better!  Look how adorable Mike is!
Jorja has become a master of procrastination.  She gets that trait from her mother.

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