Thursday, March 3, 2016

Cookie Dough

I have fallen off the wagon with my 'no sugar' challenge.  I was hoping to do it while I was doing my super hard 8 week exercise class.  I managed for awhile, but it is really hard when I am the only one in the house doing the challenge.  It is also really hard when Jorja makes a double batch of cookie dough.  She didn't want cookies, just the dough.  She put it in the fridge and had the date she made it written on saran wrap.  Cute that she thought it would last long enough that she needed a date written on it.  Jorja was not happy when she saw I noticed the cookie dough.

I took Maysen to her vet class today.  I have to leave before Jorja leaves for school and Jorja is gone by the time I get home.  When I got home, I noticed the bowl of cookie dough was not in the fridge.  I knew Jorja was hiding it from me, which made me laugh.  I went to the fridge downstairs, and of course it was there.  I sent Jorja this text with the caption, "Nice try!"  Jorja was not amused, but I thought I was hilarious.

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