Saturday, March 12, 2016


I was going through Mike's phone looking for pictures when I came across this gem.  Stockton had to do a TED talk for English.  The topic was fear.  He has had fun watching his friends TED talks.  He thought it was cool that you couldn't see anyone else's talk until you uploaded your own.  As a result, they are all different.  Stockton told mostly stories, one girl gave mostly quotes, and one guy completely screamed at the camera the entire time.
Maysen and I went up to the University of Utah today for an Honors College thing.  It wasn't exactly what we were expecting, and we left slightly disappointed.  As soon as we got home I started helping Maysen get ready for prom.  I curled her hair.  This is the first time I have ever curled her hair.  I put makeup on her, but kind of messed up. I'm not good at girly stuff.  Maysen was pretty excited to be going with Mike.  Mike makes everything fun.  I knew she would have a great time.
Mike & Maysen
 Maysen & Mike
She looks so beautiful!
This was after prom.  I never got a picture of the back of her dress. How fun is that?  It made the dress pretty comfortable, but took forever to put on!
Maysen's instagram posts made my heart happy.  I love this girl!  I love that she loves her dad.  It doesn't get any better than this!
I had to cut off a little of Maysen's head to get her quote in, but she is adorable.
Mike took Maysen to a 'murder-mystery' dinner.  These are pictures of pictures, so there is a bit of a glare, but it looks like they are having a great time.
Maysen & Mike
Here are a few pictures Mike snapped at the actual dance.
Maysen, Molly & Colton, Meg
 Mike & Maysen
I am so glad Maysen got to experience prom.  I'm glad she got to go with her dad.  I'm glad they both had a great time.  I love my family!

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