Saturday, September 21, 2013

5th Ward

Matt and Mike have spent many hours working on the pool shed.  They have almost all of the walls up, and have started working on the roof.  It is much easier to pick our pears and apples now.  Still, they are up unreasonably high.
My dad brought Max over to swim.  It was really windy the entire day. Our neighbor Audrey also came over.  After awhile it was just my dad, Preston and Audrey in the pool.  Audrey didn't want to get out and was disappointed that Jorja wanted to leave so soon.  My dad was a good sport and played the dragon game with Audrey and Preston.
Preston, Audrey, Max 'falling', My dad and Jorja in the pool
 Jorja attacking my dad while Audrey throws a ball at his head
 My dad throwing the ball at Jorja and Audrey
 Poor dad being attacked by Jorja, Audrey & Preston in the background
 Preston, Audrey, Jorja, Dad
 Preston jumping in!  Audrey attacking my dad with a bucket
I spent most of the day baking cookies.  I need to bring five dozen cookies to church tomorrow.  It is hard not to snack while you are making cookies.  I am failing.

Tonight we went to a reunion of the ward I grew up in.  Crescent 5th Ward.  I guess they were having a 40th anniversary party.  We only stayed for just a bit.  It was cool to see pictures of my mom.  I wanted to show my kids, but they weren't really impressed.  They said they knew what she looked like.

We hurried home to meet Steve and Shannon and their family.  We had the pool open so those that wanted to could go night swimming.  The water was pretty warm.  It was awesome.  We watched the first half of the BYU/Utah game.  It was not pretty.  Steve and Shannon took their kids home and we got our kids to bed.  After dishes and some laundry we watched the rest of the game.  At least BYU scored, but again it was not pretty.  Definitely not worth staying up for!  It was not a good game to introduce my kids to football.  They could not understand why anyone would want to watch this . . . on purpose!  Mike doesn't understand either.

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