Sunday, September 15, 2013

Camille's Farewell

So I managed to be up in Idaho for two days with my cute nieces and nephews and didn't get one picture!  Abby looked so adorable all dressed up.  I sat on the same bench as Bubs.  For some reason all of his kids wanted to sit by me.  So, I had Ella on one side, Lincoln on the other and Abby on my lap!

Camille did a great job.  I wish I had Maysen with me so she could have heard her.  I loved listening to her relate Peter going back to fishing after Jesus died to her deciding to go on a mission.  I remember her saying that when she prayed about where to go to college her answer was, "Do you love me?"  Just like Peter's.  She listed off every reason why she didn't want to go, what she would miss and said something along the lines of, "The only person I would be willing to leave all this behind for is Christ." It was really good and I am totally not doing her talk justice at all.  She will be a great missionary!  I can't believe she just graduated high school!

It was nice to spend a few minutes with family members.  I cornered Chelsea and asked her if she would be willing to travel to Utah to paint the girls' room.  That would be awesome.

Bubs and I made it back with no problems.  I dropped Bubs off and headed home.  I called Mike and asked him to be ready as soon as I got home because we would need to leave to my dad's.  I walked into my house and couldn't believe it!  The entire kitchen was sparkling!  Even the oven which has been stained since we moved in.  It was so awesome, I started to cry.  I had been mentally making lists as to how to tackle the house to get it back under control.  Mike is amazing.

My dad had a chocolate party for his 70th birthday.  Lots and lots of chocolate.  I think I just undid everything I good I had done during my first week of workouts.  Whoops.
Preston and Grandpa
The funniest was Preston riding around on Gayle's walker.  He was moving it with his feet on the wheels.  He kept saying, "How do you work this thing?"

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