Sunday, September 2, 2012

Snake Chain

Maysen and Jorja made a chain of how many days they have left in the school year.  Mike hung it in the playroom for them.  They are quite excited about it.
 Lady Yakama a.k.a. Maysen needs to be defeated in Dominion
 Jorja wanted the snakes head by her computer desk
I handed out the next Book of Mormon challenges.  I think many of the youth didn't look in their packets they were given last week to see the challenges.  A lot of them seemed surprised when I gave Nicole a giant pixie stick for bringing the definition of condescension.  This time Becky had all her texts within the hour.  Love it.

1 Nephi 13 - 1 Nephi 19

1 Nephi 15:24
The first three people to text Becky Johnson three different ways the word of God can come to you will receive a plate of treats.

Hint:  2 Peter 1:20-21
          D&C 68:3-4
          Moroni 10:4-5
Did you notice what was involved in all three of these means of communication?

1 Nephi 16:10
Thomas S. Monson gave a talk in the October 1986 session of General Conference about a liahona that is available to us today.  The first person to text Stephanie Smith what President Monson was referring to will receive a loaf of homemade bread.

1 Nephi 17:3
"And thus we see . . ." that means pay attention -- Nephi, Jacob, Mormon -- whoever is writing, they want to teach us a lesson.  What is the lesson in verse 3?

I will need to be making bread for Katie this week.  Everyone in my family reached the 1 Nephi 12 goal.  Everyone.  Even Preston.  Never would I have guessed he would have wanted to be a part of this challenge.  He now reads scriptures with us as a family.  We are not reading it completely together as a family.  I really want the older kids to read their scriptures by themselves as well.  In order to catch up, Preston and I read from the children's illustrated scriptures that we had when I was little.  It is quite interesting reading the Book of Mormon this way.  Today we read 1 Nephi 17 - that was a long one!  All about Nephi building a boat.  Then Preston and I read 1 Nephi 12, parts of Nephi's vision.  This morning I read 2 Nephi 4 where Lehi dies.  It's kind of crazy to read it like this, but I like it.

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