Sunday, April 22, 2012

Preston's Bread

Preston helped Mike make bread today.  He was so cute and helped him almost the entire time.
 Mike & Preston
Maysen has been working on a project for school.  She needed pictures to go with her poem she was working on.  She asked us to dress up and Mike took pictures.  She was really cute directing everyone.
Jorja & Stephanie (Jorja was suppose to look sad)
 Same picture, but without my watch.
 Jorja begging
 Stockton & Jorja
 Jorja & Stockton
 Maysen & Jorja
 I love this one!
One cute note about today.  Maysen had to stay after church for her semi-annual interview.  While we were waiting she had a conversation with Brother Willes.  He asked her if she liked her school.  Maysen said she had nothing against the building, but she didn't like the people inside.  They then had a conversation about the bricks being okay, the heater works fine.  It was quite funny.  Then Brother Willes said, "Paige told me the other day that I was embarrassing.  Just give her five years, then she will realize she had a pretty cool dad."  Maysen said something like, "Not as cool as my dad.  My dad's awesome."  Seriously!  How can you not love a kid like that!  Especially when she turned to me and said, "You're awesome too."  YES!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

She is so awesome.