Sunday, June 14, 2009

Research Projects

Mike and I asked the kids to do a research project this week. They were to learn about anything they wanted, and give us a presentation on Sunday. We asked Maysen to work on her research for one hour a day, Stockton for 45 minutes and Jorja for 30 minutes. We didn't help them at all and were excited to see what they came up with.
Jorja did her research on....frogs!
Jorja explaining the life cycle of a frog
Jorja's project
Stockton chose optical illusions.
He wrote a report and showed us a quick video.
Maysen chose Okapis. First she gave us a report.
Then we played Animal Jeopardy ~ the boys won.
My favorite fact was Okapis only sleep 5 minutes a day!
We were so proud of the kids! They have already picked out their research projects for next week. Can't wait to see them!


Heather said...

Wow. Even with my parents being teachers they didn't make us do school work during the summer. LOL

Brett - Rachel B said...

uh is this where the phrase "nerd patrol" comes from?

kidding, thats amazing. Your kids have officially out-done all the other kids in the universe.

Maysen said...

Um..Mom? It's okapi, not okapis. It's one of those singular/plural words like moose or deer.