Stockton is 10! This morning he said, "This is going to be a great birthday. I'm turning a decade old, I'm having a party, it's the 100th day of school and isn't it a full moon?" To top it all off, I got to substitute his class today! I was so happy. I was actually scheduled to teach another 4th grade class. When I found out Mrs. Catlin had to be out as well, I begged Nancy to let me switch. It was so fun to be with him. He actually had Guidance or CHAT (which he hates) and music (which he doesn't like either). I had Stockton stay with me during CHAT. Although when I came to get the class, the principal was teaching. I asked him if he wanted to stay with me during music. He said that he didn't think it would be fair for him to miss both. He's so sweet and considerate. Actually watching him interact with others, I was amazed at how kind he is. Not really surprised, but very proud.
After school we had a birthday party for him. We brought Mason & Trevor (and Hunter) home with us after school for a couple of hours before the party started. They had fun playing with all the toys we had set up before the crowd arrived. Stockton had about 12 boys come over. They had a great time. Rock climbing wall, bowling alley, air hockey, wii, sardines, cake, pizza, presents..... Stockton gave his birthday a 9 1/2 out of 10. We declare this birthday a success!
Chocolate cake, chocolate ice cream, chocolate chips
Rock climbing
Preston & Stockton
Seth or Max, Preston & Stockton
Preston sad that he didn't get to blow the candles
Stockton, Maysen, Jorja, PrestonOpening Grandpa Millburn's present
My dad sent Stockton a package. In the package was this poem:
Stockton's Birthday Poem
By his Grandpa Millburn
In case I don't recall to phone
I thought I'd send a birthday poem,
And tell you what the heck you'll find
Within this box you'll find confined.
Hot chocolate packets are inside;
I only wish that Thursday I'd
Have opportunity to make
Hot chocolate with your birthday cake.
I'd also like to make you scones;
(They're really light, but look like stones)
And so inside the box you'll see
A box of scone mix (thanks to me).
And thanks to Cathy, nicely wrapped,
You'll see two packages entrapped
In paper all decked out with cars;
You'll look at them and say, "My stars!
I wonder what these two could be!"
I'll tell you that they're books to read.
And if you find them awfully boring,
And in a wink, you find you're snoring,
Just pass them on to Jorja Ann--
She'll stay awake if anyone can.
And finally there's a Mormon game
To make all those who play insane.
I do not know if it is fun;
The times I've played? Zip, zero, none.
It's major use was to provide
A box so the other stuff wouldn't slide.
So that's my birthday poem to you;
I hope your birthday's happy, too.
Thanks dad! We got a good laugh at it. Stockton didn't say, "My stars!" but the rest of us did. The package came today, so nice timing.
Stockton raked in the dough. Most of his friends brought money. Seth & Max bought a cool Clue game. We love Clue, and this is a game we don't have. We gave Stockton Bananagrams and a few other things. One of his favorite presents was three coupons. A free eaters club, tasters club, and leave the table club. Stockton said, "I'm going to save this for Thanksgiving!"
My favorite present that Stockton was given was a poem Maysen wrote for him. It was so sweet. She also gave him $5. The $5 she gave him was her babysitting money. I don't really think he understood what a nice present he was given. I'm going to put Maysen's poem up in a few days because I think it deserves its own post.
I love Stockton so much. He is one of most unique individuals I have ever known. He has such a loving, tender heart. There is so much good inside him. I am so proud and honored to be his mother. I hope he knows how much I love him and how much he means to me. I love spending time with him, learning from him, watching him and just being with him. I can't believe he is already 10. Happy Birthday Stockton!!!