Maysen is back! She seemed to really enjoy herself. Maysen loves drawing pictures of cats, so here is her camping adventure told by cats.
First is a picture of the drive up. Rylee is holding an ipod and the others are singing. Maysen is in the back rolling her eyes.
Back: Gabby, Maysen
Front: Amy, Rylee, Sister Massy
Maysen is getting her hair braided. She was NOT happy about that. They had a Wizard of Oz theme, and wanted all the girls to have hair like Dorothy. So, while her hair was getting braided, she was drawing a picture of how she didn't like her hair being braided.
Sister Gedge braiding Maysen's hair
Amy and Rylee looking on
Maysen's favorite part of camping was caving today. They went to Raccoon Mountain Cavern in Tennessee today. She LOVED it! They had to wear helmets and crawl through several parts of the cave. Mike was able to go with her. They both agreed that their tour guide was the best tour guide they have ever had. Below is a picture of Maysen and Rylee watching their tour guide. Rylee just asked if they were going up the ledge that was ahead. Their guide said, "No, we're going this way." Then he ran and dove head first down a small hole. A few seconds later he came around the back side and scared everybody.
Maysen & Rylee
Their guide also asked them to turn their helmet lights off for a moment. While everyone was talking in the darkness, he managed to climb way high in the cavern and was sitting on a ledge when everyone decided to turn their lights back on. I bet Stockton would have gotten a kick out of him. I wonder if you can request tour guides....