My step-sister, Shannon, was married today. They were married in the Salt Lake Temple. The sealer did an incredible job. He was pretty funny, but he also talked about a lot of important, basic principles of the gospel. And some things I have never thought of before. He talked about the importance of saying prayers together morning & night....and then saying personal prayers. He talked about starting family home evenings, and suggested that they use this time before they have kids spending family home evenings really getting to know each other. Talking about things that you normally don't get around to talking about. One thing he said - that I know my sister-in-law also named Shannon would get a kick out of - He told Branson to find time today to give Shannon her first priesthood blessing from him. He also told her that he should never turn her down when she asks for a priesthood blessing. (I got quite a giggle out of that one . . . long story.)
After the wedding, we went to The Lion House for the wedding luncheon. I ate too much. Why do I do that? Oh, because food is delicious.
The reception was pretty fun. My kids were suppose to get presents and bus tables. Yeah, we didn't do that. We spent time eating ice cream. Seriously, they had an ice cream bar and it was delicious. I asked my dad if the kids could have seconds. He said, "They can have as much candy and ice cream as they want." I assumed that applied to me as well. Between candy and ice cream, how can you go wrong?
While I was busy talking to Kathy Leatherwood, Mike & Bubs found a door to an extra room to hang out in. Bubs watched the Yankees lose to the Rangers, Maysen & Stockton read books, Jorja, Ella & Lincoln drew on the white board, Mike & Preston played pool. Pretty fun. At the very end of the day, they handed out bubbles and everyone was told to go outside to blow bubbles as Shannon & Branson drove away. We were gathering up the kids in the back room when in walks Shannon. Mike said, "How nice of you to come to me so I can blow bubbles here." Then he started following her around blowing bubbles at her. I know I can't explain it right, but it was pretty funny.
Shannon & Branson Haacke
not cooperating with my picture taking desires.
The kids thought that was a great idea.
Stockton & Maysen
Bubs enjoying the Yankees loss
Ella, Maysen & Jorja
Mike blowing bubbles at Shannon
The other news of the day is, we had the house & pool inspected. The pool is in pretty good shape, but the house needs a lot of work. There doesn't seem to be major problems, just a lot of little things. The inspector said, "This house wore me out." We have some more things we need to check out now . . .
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