Monday, September 17, 2012

Cell Phones Come in Handy

Maysen texted me this morning.  She had left her English paper on her computer desk.  I was heading out the door to get crickets, so I swung by the school on the way out.  I talked to Cathy Leatherwood for a bit until 2nd period was over.  I met Maysen as she was walking from the seminary building.  Then I went to Stockton's math class and asked if Stockton could be released at the 7th grade bell.  Stockton's in 7th grade, but he is in an 8th grade math class.  The 7th graders are released 5 minutes before the 8th & 9th graders.  Stockton has lunch right after math.  His teacher was great about it and said to have Stockton & Josh remind her.  I was glad about that.  Stockton and Josh are usually just sitting there waiting for the bell to ring.  Then they have to be at their next class with the 7th grade bell....

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