Saturday, December 29, 2012

Every Card

Okay, this actually happened last night, but this is so awesome it deserves a post of its own.  Tonight we played Dominion with every card.  It was so much fun!  Especially since I dominated most of the game.  Right away I could see how valuable Trade Route was going to be.  I collected most of them.  On one turn I was able to buy three colonies!  By that time I did that, the trade routes were gone!  Most of them were in my hand.  It clogged it up a little, but better then letting anyone else have this awesome card.  Especially when you Kings Court a Trade Route with a Fortress.  Amazing.

We weren't sure how we should end the game, so we decided that it would be over when five victory piles were gone.  (We didn't want the game to end too quickly - it took quite a long time to set up!)  Anyway, our version ended up taking WAY too long!  We should have ended the game when all the Provinces and Colonies were gone/or five piles.  We played for four hours - past 2 in the morning.  It was Mike, Maysen, John, Pace and I.  So much fun!  I did get quite a scare when towards the end of the game Maysen kept Kings Courting a Saboteur!  She got rid of 4 of my Colonies that way!  I just lost them because the entire Colony pile was gone.
 Pace, John, Maysen's arm, Mike
We liked to joke about how this would blow Matt's mind.  Matt is a purest when it comes to this game, so he would probably hate it.  If we did play with him, we would have to set the game up and play in the morning.  That would give Matt all night to read every card!

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