I survived Parent/Teacher conferences for Stockton, Jorja and Preston. They are all doing excellent. Jorja is above average on anything related to English or math. She is right on target for her Chinese. Her listening ability is at 'intermediate low', speaking ability is 'novice high', reading ability is 'novice high' and writing ability is 'novice high'. That is the target range for fifth graders.
Preston also is above average in anything related to English or math. He is almost on target in Chinese. His listening ability is at 'movie mid'. He should be at 'novice low' for speaking at the end of the school year. He is not quite there yet. They recommended to have Jorja practice speaking with Preston. I would love that! I love to hear them talk in Chinese. I recorded them talking to their teachers so Mike could hear. It is so dang cute! I wish they wouldn't be so shy about it. Preston wouldn't be shy about it except he has watched Jorja refuse to talk Chinese. Hopefully this will help them lighten up! Plus, don't they realize it is totally awesome?
Stockton had student-led conferences which he detests. This is his last one and he was thrilled that he will never have to do these again. He had to write a letter to his parents. This was his.
Dear Mom,
This is the last Student-Led Conference I will ever have to do. That is exciting news because they are pointless. I doubt anyone takes them seriously. They're just an excuse to force us to set goals and make us remember what we've suffered through so far.
At least we're starting the third trimester. That means our seating chart in U.S. History will finally change. Maybe the third time will be the charm. I hope I will like where I sit. Hopefully the teachers won't give us as much work. Anyway, thanks for stuff.
Stockton was able to get all As again. We had a scare with his PE class. He had an A on the morning of the last day, then all of a sudden it was an A-. I know an A- is an okay grade, but he had an A that morning! I looked in detail and he failed his fitness test. I did not thing he should have so I wrote the following note to his teacher.
I was surprised to see Stockton's grade dropped to an A-. I was especially surprised to see that he failed his fitness test. Could you tell me why? I know he was there and he felt like he did well. He ran the mile and a half in 13 minutes and 47 seconds and said he never stopped to walk. He did 33 push-ups and 58 curl-ups. I'm extremely curious about this. What was he supposed to get in order to receive an A? My heart about dropped when I saw he not only received an F, but he received the lowest score in the class. Please let me know what happened.
This is the reply I received from his teacher.
Stockton missed the last day of testing, which was the fitness test. He ran the 1.5 mile run on Monday/Tuesday. He did to do the Push up/curl up test for the mid-year testing. That is a loss of points. I had wondered at the time where he was. I asked Josh Yauney if he was in school today and he told me no. He may have been the only one absent. I do not have my rolls here, Cooper has them.
Holy cow! I couldn't believe it! Stockton and Josh are a few minutes late everyday for PE because they have math at the high school. We have worked it out and while it is annoying for everyone involved, it isn't too big of a deal. The thing I couldn't believe is she got the two of them mixed up! Of course I immediately replied.
Stockton absolutely was there that day. 100% he was there. I drove him there. He did 33 push-ups and 58 curl-ups. Stockton does not forget numbers. Josh Yauney was absent. He was at his cousin's funeral. Could you please fix Stockton's grade?
Long story short, his grade was fixed. This is the e-mail I received from his teacher.
I would first like to apologize. Your son attended class, but came late. Joshua Yauney was absent and I gave his results for the curl ups and push ups to him. Sorry, you are right! So I will do my best to make all the changes. Please tell Stockton I am sorry and I will take care of business. Thank you for your diligence. Your son is great in class and I am happy to dig us out of this situation---that I got us into.
I did write her a nice note back. I am so glad I asked. Not that an A- is horrible, but if he earned the A he should receive the A!